Giving Thanks & Reflecting Upon Our Values

It’s that time of year already! TheHoliday Season is here, and for us in the United States, it all starts with Thanksgiving Day.So, what does Thanksgiving have to do with our Company’s core values? A lot, actually!In the past, we’veshared how thankful we are for the SDB-Consulting Team and Service Managers having the back of the after-hour Techs, and for life in general. Continuing to be thankful for the collaborative Team here at SDB-C(and based on the book Traction, and the EOS process of operational improvements), the Team, with very little help from me, went on a Core Values discovery tour. Based on their thoughts, here are the values that define us as a Team – perhaps this might inspire you to reflect upon your own core values and how they have established the way you live and work…

The Core Values of SDB-Consulting

1)Team Oriented- as demonstrated by our Mutual Respect, Collaboration, and Dedication to each other and to the Company.For Example: We check in with each other on a quarterly basis, making sure the work we are doing is something we feelpassionate about. During the past year,six of ten Team members have changed seats because there was something else in the company they preferred to do.Open, frequent communication is keywhen this happens, asthe changes affect everyone on the Team.2) Quality-Oriented- by taking our time to do things right the first time and thinking through things before we call a task “done.”For Example:Every article we writegoes through two proofreading processes, and the website is regularly monitored for misspellings and such. Do some get through?Of course, but when readers alert us of something amiss, we quickly and happily make the corrections. We do our best, realizing that mistakes happen.We strive to learn from our errors and double our efforts to eradicatethem from the Company.3) Business Minded and Financially Smart- as much as we can be in an ever-changing Industry, Society, and Work Environment.For Example: Everyone in the company knows our Mission, Vision, Goals, impact on the world, the value we bring to our Customers, and our Financial situation. Now,thanks to a recent discovery adventure,each team member has a full understanding ofour Core Values, too. The knowledge is not just “nice to know” -itdrives the majority of our business decisions, including spending.4) Continuous Learning and Improvement Mindset- by taking advantage of training opportunities and materials, as well as continuously updating our processes and products. “But that’s the way we’ve always done it” is one mantra that you won’t hear at SDB-C.For Example:Over the last year, we have signed up Employees for multiple on-line courses, purchased books for further education, encouraged and alerted Team members to webinars they might find useful, and recently asked the #1 Autotask Live Report writer in the world to show three members of the Team how to do Charts and Gauges. I trust you see the benefit in all of this by enjoying up-to-date,relevant content delivered flawlessly (most of the time J ).5) Strong Leadership and Self-Managed- not just at the top, but at every level in the organization as we own up to our responsibilities.For Example: A Team member is reading Traction about the EOS of company management. As mentioned, they took it upon themselves to poll CompanyEmployees to discover our Core Values, with very little help from me. When I reviewed the polling results, there was a lump in my throat. Knowing the Team and what a wonderful experience it is working with them each week, I could have guessed what our values would be. To see the valuesranked with “Team Oriented” at the topand also that “Leadership” made the list was something to be proud of. As a dispersed Team, we rely on Self-Managed, but this Team comes through in spades. To everyone who reads ourarticles and everyone on the SDB-C Team, I thank you, as it is truly an honor to serve you.Personally, I have found this group to be a Dedicated, Collaborative, Straightforward Team, with mutual respect for eachother based upon our Judeo-Christian values. They are focused on being Innovative while mentoring each other to Continuous Learning & Quality Improvement – all of which drives us to have Strong Leadership and to be a Self-Managed, Business Minded and Financially Smart Industry Leader.

Say a Warm Welcome to Our New Consultant! 

At this time, I would also like to welcome Carol Hoffman to the team as an Associate Consultant. Carol comes to us with 6 years of experience as an Autotask System Administrator and hands-on Service Coordinator. Already she is contributing by assisting our Customers with configuration changes and updating our recommended Autotask PSA configurations as well as our recommended IT Service Delivery processes and procedures. We look forward to her developing into a Service Coordinator coach and Consultant lead for our more nimble Customers. When we posted the position, we had a vision of a Service Coordinator coach who would also be training Technicians on how to use dashboards so theyhave a clear picture of what to work on next. Carol stood above the rest, beating out a field of international group applicants. Beyond her coaching capabilities is her firm understanding of Autotask System Administration. Together,I like to say we are bookends, where if I do not know the answer to aquestion, I can quickly defer to her. So far, she has known the answer from her experience without us slowing down to research a solution. She is also familiar with the Datto RMM tool, which I am not. We both have years of in the trenchexperience as Service Coordinators and coaching Techs on the soft skills of IT. When it comes to knowing what both Customers and Support Teams arethinkingand experiencing,and how to make more money for the MSP companies we serve, there just isn’t a better Consulting Team in the Managed Service Industry.Carol, welcome to the SDB-C Team. It is a pleasure to work with you, and I enjoy the progress we have made together so far. It is exciting to think about what 2020 and beyond will bring, but in the meantime, THANK YOU for applying for the Service Coordinator Coaching position at SDB-Consulting.